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野 “As we cannot block the ‘Kim Kun-hee Special Prosecution Act,’ we use a trick to avoid the special prosecution by ‘pretending to investigate.’”


Opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea, fiercely criticized Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok’s order for a quick investigation into the suspicions of First Lady Kim Kun-hee receiving luxury bags, saying, “As there is no way to block the ‘Kim Kun-hee Special Prosecutor Act’, it is a trick to avoid the special prosecution by ‘pretending to investigate’.” The Democratic Party also repeatedly emphasized its position that it will push for the special prosecution law related to Ms. Kim in the 22nd National Assembly as a party line, regardless of the prosecution’s investigation.

In a phone call on the 5th, a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership asked about Prosecutor General Lee’s instructions for a related investigation, saying, “Isn’t it true that the prosecution took a leap of faith when it appeared that the ‘Kim Kun-hee Special Prosecutor Act’ would be passed in the 22nd National Assembly?” “This is because the prosecution, which did not properly discover the matter, cannot avoid responsibility if it comes out,” he said. He went on to say, “Once the prosecution has started the investigation, it is expected to adjust the speed of the investigation by looking at the trend of public opinion,” adding, “President Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘lame duck’ will begin in earnest starting with the investigation into Mrs. Kim.” The Democratic Party plans to take strong action if the government and ruling party block the special prosecution in the name of the prosecution’s investigation. A party leadership official said, “The Special Prosecutor Kim Kun-hee Act is a core general election pledge of the Democratic Party,” and added, “As the people have created a majority of seats, we have no choice but to push it separately from the prosecution’s investigation.”

The opposition party poured out comments over the weekend to check the prosecution’s investigation. Democratic Party spokesperson Han Min-soo said on the 4th, “I don’t have the slightest confidence that the prosecution, which has not moved for five months after receiving the complaint, will suddenly speed up the investigation,” and added, “The prosecution investigation, which only makes noise with empty carts, will only spread the public’s demand for a special prosecution law.” “He warned. Bae Su-jin, spokesperson for the Homeland Innovation Party, also commented in a commentary, saying, “The fact that three prosecutors were assigned additional investigative personnel to a luxury bag known to the entire world means that the conclusion is expected to be ‘even though an intensive investigation was conducted, nothing happened.’” and “Bangtan failed and the special prosecutor’s office failed.” “I will wait,” he said.

The President’s Office is refraining from expressing an official position and is monitoring the situation. In a phone call, a high-ranking official from the Presidential Office said, “The prosecution will investigate, but it is not appropriate to talk about this or that,” and added, “They say there are many things being said about the prosecution’s investigation, but it has nothing to do with the President’s Office.”

Reporter Ahn Gyu-young
Reporter Jeon Joo-young

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